L.D. Progressive Distributor

L.D. Progressive Distributor


Progressive distributors send lubricant they recieve to lubrication points in different or same ratios. Distributor outlets can be combined into one if the recomended lubrication ratio is high. (Please check dosage system section for more info.) It is possible to monitor progressive distributors both visual and electronically. Made out of steel and also stainless steel to cover specific needs. Long distance (up to 10m) lubrication points can be fed with L.D. Progressive Distributors.

CAUTION Distance between lubrication points from distributor should be 5m. Between 5 and 10m distances a check-valve should be used at outlet.

Max. working pressure 400 bar
Min. working pressure 7,5 bar
Grease type NLGI 00 - 0 – 1 – 2 – 3
Piston delivery values Ø4(0.060cc), Ø5(0.100cc), Ø6(0.140cc), Ø7(0.190cc), Ø8(0.251cc)
Operating Temperature 
-40°C / +80°C 
Outlets 2outlets up to 18outlets
Steel / Stainless Steel (316L) 


WARNING : The amount of dose to be obtained from the outlets of progressive distributors can be varied with 3 different methods. These methods can be used alone or together. These methods are explained in detail below.   


Progressive distributors divide the amount of lubricant coming from the pump into volumes in proportion to the diameters of their pistons and transmit it to the lubrication points. Each middle element build a distributor block can be formed with pistons of different doses or pistons of the same diameter. 

As seen in the picture below, there are 3 types of pistons that can be used in the middle elements of progressive distributors. Depending on the pump flow rate connected to the progressive distributor inlet, the pistons divide the lubricant as much as their own volume and deliver it to the lubrication points. In order to calculate this division process, the proportion of the piston volumes used in the distributor block should be established and the amount of lubricant to be divided by each should be calculated. 

The dose amounts to be obtained from the distributor outputs according to the inlet flow rate are calculated as follows:

1. The dose value with the smallest volume is written as unknown (x).

2. The ratio of other piston size volumes to the smallest dose value (x) is found.

( example :  0,078/0,050=1,56x  )

3. The total amount of lubricant coming into the distributor is divided by the sum of the proportions to find the smallest unknown value.
( example : 2,5cm³/9,64x=0,259  )

4. The output volumes are calculated by multiplying the smallest amount of lubricant volume (x) with the obtained ratios. 
( example : 0,259x1,56=0,404 )


The blinding method combines 2 outlets of dosage amount on a middle element to single outlet. Thus, the total volume of the 2 outlets in the middle element can be supplied from a single outlet.

WARNING : The setscrew (M4 – 2mm allen) and the steel ball inside the outlet hole on the right side of the middle element must be removed when blinding.


Only piston dosage volume variations may not supply for lubrication point needs. Outlets of middle elements on top of each other can be bridged to increase outlet dosage. Distributor block outlet quantity will be decreased by bridged outlets. Two different types of bridge options allow alternating the outlet dosage amounts. As described on schema below, bridge with outlet and standard bridge outlet volumes are different. Using different size pistons with bridge option crates different dosage variations. 

WARNING : When a standard type bridge is used, 3 outputs of the 2 middle elements must be combined. For this reason, the set screw and steel ball in the middle element where the lubricant is to be directed must be removed.

Product numberDescriptionOutlets
40 10 03 003/6 Distributor block6
40 10 04 004/8 Distributor block8
40 10 05 005/10 Distributor block10
40 10 06 006/12 Distributor block12
40 10 07 007/14 Distributor block14
40 10 08 008/16 Distributor block16
40 10 08 009/18 Distributor block18


1. Progressive distributor valves are working with pilot control. There must be at least 3 middle sections and at most 9 middle section in one block.

2. Damages that occur during additional transportation after the goods are delivered from ALLFETT to the customer VOIDS THE WARRANTY

3. Pumps are produced for lubrication purpose only and are not meant to work for more than 2 hours continuously. Working under maximum pressure for more than 2 hours will harm the system. Damages occur from this reason VOIDS THE WARRANTY. 

4. Washing of the components with pressured water causes damage. Any damage occur from this reason VOIDS THE WARRANTY. 

5. Only proper NLGI class lubricants must be used within system. NLGI class must be changed according to weather conditions. Use NLGI 0 for cold weather, increase the NLGI class up to 3 towards hot weathers.

6. Only LITHIUM based and EP additive lubricants must be used with in system.

7. Rubber based lubricant types must not be used in the system. Damages or faults occur from this reason VOIDS THE WARRANTY.

8. Lubricant to be used in the system must certainly be clean and any foreign materials must not enter while filling.

9. Any foreign materials, dirt or small particles while filling may lead to system units failing and possibly property damage to equipments. Damages or faults occurring from this reason VOIDS THE WARRANTY.

10. Pump must be filled from the grease nipple. If grease level is lower than the minimum level (when you can not see the grease level) grease nipple must be used to prevent air entering inside the pomp body. Locking filling cover option can only be used after filling pump from grease nipple up to minimum level.

11. If locking filling cover is going to be used to fill pump, environment must be clean to avoid any foreign materials from entering to reservoir. Any foreign materials, dirt or small particles while filling lead to system units failing and possibly property damage. Damages or faults occur from this reason VOIDS THE WARRANTY.  

12. If the pump works without lubricant, pump elements will send air to the points instead of grease. Because of that any points connected to pump will not get any lubricant. Damages on pump and on the system because that reason VOIDS THE WARRANTY.

13. Disassembling or loosing any part while pump working is prohibited. Any damage because of this reason VOIDS THE WARRANTY. Also for any personal injury occurred from this reason ALLFETT does not accept any responsibility.

14. Another goal of Centralized Lubrication Systems is to protect environment. So it is adviced to fill  grease to the systems by mobile or hand pumps. 

15. Unauthorised modifications to the units and the use of unauthorised spare parts and aids is prohibited and VOIDS THE WARRANTY. Only maintenance may apply that is described in PAGE 14 - 15. ALLFETT Technical Service must be informed for any other possible troubles and necessary procedures must be performed.

16. ALLFETT Mekanik ve Elektronik Sistemler SAN. TIC. LTD. STI and ALLFETT Pazarlama ve Dis Ticaret LTD. STI. does not accept responsibility for damages described in items above on equipments which ALLFETT systems are installed.



Please click on document below to download instruction and user manual.

L.D. Progressive Distributor Progressive L.D. Distributor Manual